Wednesday 21st March – A busy interesting meeting in prospect

Post date: Mar 16, 2012 1:35:47 AM

Wednesday 21st March 2012

Townhouse Building – room TH 102

Kingston University, Penrhyn Road Campus, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2EE, (parking available in front of Town House Building)

6.30 – 7.00 Networking

7.00 – 7.55 Grahame Herbert presents the Airframe bike

8.10 – 8.40 Nick Pelling has developed his own patent-pending security camera.

He will describe his experiences of prototyping, 3d printing, developing hardware & software, business plans, pitching, funding, and the long & twisting road to commercial success – he will also lead a discussion on his thoughts on the process – and the almost perennial chestnut of innovation vs. Invention – get pre-programmed for this topic on his blog:

8.40 – 9.00 Michele Camerlengo will pitch a new idea looking for feedback from members.

Close at 9.00 – further networking at the Grove Tavern.

I’m looking forward to the long-awaited story of the Airframe Bike (long-awaited since postponement from last November – not for the past three decades). Although Grahame Herbert is an experienced architect – he is really a frustrated product designer and has worked on many innovations. For three decades he has been fascinated with the concept of the folding lightweight bike and has got his award-winning design into production, although never reaching the volumes he was seeking. He will discuss the design, the engineering, getting the right manufacturer and that always elusive part – the marketing – see