MidiSticks: Turning your surroundings into a Drumkit
Post date: Mar 11, 2010 6:53:45 PM
Andrew Cordani
Product Description
Midisticks represent a completely new take on the Electronic Percussion Instrument. They are capable of rapidly identifying several materials (e.g. wood, card, ceramic, rubber, note-pad, etc.), and generating an assignable sound or effect (MIDI message) dependant on the type of material and the force in which is is struck. For example, tapping Midisticks on a mouse mat could generate a snare drum sound, tapping a pad of paper plays a tom-tom sound, a coaster a cymbal sound.
Drummers for both practice & rehearsal (the prototypes have been used in live performances), home studio, and education, as well as a ‘Stress Buster’ gadget. The patent covers similar technology that may have further applications (e.g. games market, material analysis).
Stage Reached
In development (demonstrations available).
IP Protection
Patent granted.
Seeking partners for commercialisation.
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